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Voltaic USB Touchlight

Wow! Try saying that three times fast! The Voltaic USB Touchlight is the perfect gadget if you have a battery pack with a usb...

eClipse: The Day and Night Solar Solution

A solar tech by the name of Juan Moncada is looking for backers to his new solar power station. He calls it the eClipse....

Rugid Solar Charger from SunVolt

Going on a small camping trip? Or maybe your just becoming more prepared for the zombie apocalypse that is coming? Want to make sure your smart...

SmartTalk Solar | Bluetooth car kits

Taking a look at one of the Solar Bluetooth Car Kits If there’s one thing that I hate, its buying batteries. To me it’s like...

Power Pier Solar charger by PowerFilm Solar

A solar charger to keep your leisure time  in check Today a company by the name of PowerFilm Solar has released a new product in hopes...

Voltaic Releases new Solar Chargers

If you ever had the need to build your own custom solar charger, Voltaic has just released their first ever solar charger kits. Each...