Marine Biology, Ocean Exploration, Rain Forests, Global Warming
More About Nick
Always looking for an outdoor adventure with friends and family is one of Nick's favorite weekend activities. By heart he is a tech nerd so bringing together the great outdoors and technology is something of interest to him.
Solar Backpack and the technology behind them
A solar backpack is a convenient source of energy. Carrying cases that gather, convert, and store renewable, solar...
Solar Lanterns are perfect for camping and keeping a soft glow around the tent or camping area. They don't need any power to light up, as they run off the sun's energy. Typically solar lanterns are pretty lightweight and provide hours of light deep into the evening.
Solar Lanterns are perfect for camping and keeping a soft glow around the tent or camping area. They don't need any power to light up, as they run off the sun's energy. Typically solar lanterns are pretty lightweight and provide hours of light deep into the evening.