Voltaic Releases new Solar Chargers

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If you ever had the need to build your own custom solar charger, Voltaic has just released their first ever solar charger kits. Each panel includes their rugged, waterproof solar panels, a battery to charge up and some connectors. You have the option to buy a kit with as little as 2 watts of power output for charging smaller electronics such as a smartphone and all the way up to a 16 watt kit that will handle a laptop, tablet or digital camera. These kits are geared towards the Do It Yourself adventurous types. Below are some pictures of the new kits.

Solar Charger Kit Solar Charger Kit


Now sure which solar charger kit to get?

Check out some of these guidelines to follow.
Cell phone sized devices: 2 Watt, 3.4 Watt or 4 Watt
Tablet sized devices: 3.4 Watt (minimum), 4 Watt , 6.8 Watt or 10 Watt
Digital Cameras: 4 Watt, 6.8 or 16 Watt (you need 12Volts to power DSLRs, requiring at least two 6Volt panels)
Laptop sized devices, lead acid batteries: 10 Watt or 16 Watt

For more information about the Voltaic Solar Charger Kits visit:



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